Pairing Cannabis with desserts

Our Best Ideas to pair Weed Strains and Snacks with

The holidays are truly magical. They bring friends and family together for laughter, joy, and delicious food. For a lot of Americans this year, the annual holiday, sneaky "lets get high" connection with a relative is extra special (with most of the country legalizing cannabis). If you enjoy cannabis, you will be thrilled to discover how the right strain can enhance your…
Weed Brownies

The Easiest Way to Make Pot Brownies

How to Make Pot Brownies: Weed-infused Boxed Brownies - Turning Cannabis into Butter Are you ready to take your dessert game to the next level? Making pot brownies at home can be a fun adventure/activity that combines baking with the fun of cannabis and the reward of a delicious pot brownie. In this guide, I’ll show you how to create your own…
Tree Donkey Weed Club

A 3 Point Beginners Guide for Exploring Cannabis:

Guide for Exploring Cannabis - Understanding the Different Strains Your Tree Donkey Guide for Exploring Cannabis will show the world of cannabis is rich and varied. There are a ton of strains offering distinct effects, flavors, and aromas and straight dank-goodness. For a couple stoner friends smoking different strains, knowing the differences can enhance the experience. Some popular strains include Indicas known…
Tree Donkey Cannabis Reviews

A Better Gift Guide for Stoner Friends

Hanging with Friends: The Great fun of Cannabis Comparisons When seasoned friends gather to discuss their favorite strains and brands of cannabis, it’s an engaging and informative experience. Each member brings their own preferences and insights, allowing for a rich conversation about various cannabis products. From the smoothness of a certain strain to the potency levels that keep the conversation lively, the…