Acapulco Gold Review on Tree Donkey Weed Club
Relight while hanging out on a visit to 3 - a fav smoking spot.

Acapulco Gold Strain An Expert Weed Review

I finally got my hands on the official strain and this is Acapulco Gold Strain An Expert Weed Review. “…Acapulco Gold is some bad ass weeed!”
Ever since the early 80s, anytime I would hear Acapulco as a destination prize on a game show, my mind would sing the lyric “…Acapulco Gold is some bad ass weeed!”

Acapulco Gold Tree Donkey Weed Club Acapulco Gold Strain
Acapulco Gold pre-roll THC Stats on Tree Donkey Weed Club

A Nostalgic Discovery: My First Real Acapulco Gold Strain

Back in the day I would occasionally score a bag and the dealer would say it was the Acapulco Gold Strain. I didn’t know enough about weed to dispute it. It was the 80s, it didn’t smell like dirt so I went along with it.
Yesterday I was browsing the dispensary menu to order for pick up and there it was. Fukin-A! My first ever, real deal, brand name packaging Acapulco Gold Strain.

Sativa and Nostalgia: A Trip Down Memory Lane with Acapulco Gold Strain

Ive always said I like a good sativa. I really like this. The nostalgia alone had me going. I lite the first one while playing the original Pac-Man arcade game in our game room. I started thinking back to the days of finishing my evening paper route and meeting up with my buddies at 7-11. We spent our time and change in the game corner. I think just about every 7-11 in the 80s had an arcade game and pinball machine

Acapulco Gold Review on Tree Donkey Weed Club Acapulco Gold Strain
Relight while hanging out on a visit to 3 – a fav smoking spot.

Yea man. So yea this was a great high. I smoke-checked the Pac-Man game and put the joint out after a few good hits. Then the motivation starts creeping in and I go straight to doing “Hermit Shit”. Hermit Shit is just walking around organizing rando things. Dust this, move that around, just nothing much and a bunch of things.

I was ready to smoke again a couple hours later. Mostly because I kept thinking about it. I took a stroll to tend the plant and relaxed for a minute relighting the “Bad Ass Weed|.

Yes, Acapulco Gold Strain is some “Bad Ass Weed” -I enjoyed the high a mixture of creative motivation and mellow ease of flow moving around the room tending plants.

Acapulco Gold Review on Tree Donkey Weed Club Acapulco Gold Strain
Admiring the air movement while pondering the effects of Acapulco Gold

It was not the “Awesome Buzz of All Time” that enamored me as a kid. It was a legit, Good buzz for sure. A Sativa at 24% isn’t very rare. All in all the Acapulco Gold Strain for me, was an upper mid range high. Lasted for a good while on an even buzz before subtly bringing you back.

The photos don’t do much justice. Pulling the sale label sticker off the packaging can be kind of difficult without leaving residue behind. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining about legal weed. Ever. I’m living the rest of my life reminding myself that I am a “Veteran of the War on Drugs”. We fought for this freedom to possess and consume cannabis. OK maybe didn’t fight but certainly risked the perils of being caught with weed.

Acapulco Gold Strain on Tree Donkey
still puffing, still pondering and still observing the airflow in 3. Yup its some bad ass weed. I like it.

How Weed Shaped My Career Path: From Labor to the Early Web

Whether you realize it or not there is an entire generation of people whose career choices were dictated by the criminalization of weed. Me for example. I only applied for jobs that I knew wouldn’t test. Sure one day I gotta straighten up and quit so I can get a “good job with benefits”.

I got the benefits alright. Got an above average paying job that didn’t test me. I spent my money on computers and weed. Taught myself how to write html and adobe Photoshop LE I got free with a UMax flatbed scanner. Had to upgrade my computer from 8MB RAM to 16MB RAM. MB not G, just clarifying. All this was in an effort to spam the community of users on this new thing called AOL. All this, beginning in 1995.

Acapulco Gold Strain on Tree Donkey
sometimes just sitting, listening to music puffing a joint feels more right than anything at the moment

All this, while smoking weed with my head stuck in a $500.00 15 inch CRT monitor for 8+ hours a day. AOL was the Internet and access was @ 3.99 per hour back then! That dude would keep my Mc Ds dollar menu burger warm all day.
The was not a single curriculum for anything web related. Best I could find at the time was a WIRED Magazine at the 7-11. Most folks at the time only learned of the internet because AOL was mailing billions of 3.5 diskettes to every household in the USA.

Tree Donkey Weed Tryouts Acapulco Gold Strain
We call it “Tryouts” not all make the team – were going for the playoffs here people!

I sold banner ads that I deployed to spam the early chat rooms, created personal pages that hosted banner ads, filmed bands for content at the bars to justify my bar tab. I started earning enough money to quit my day job, stay home and smoke weed all day within 12 months of selling my first banner ad.

Yea so there’s where that joint of “some bad ass weeed” just brought me. For real, look for Acapulco Gold Strain at your local dispensary or fav plug (still weird to me calling my dealer that).

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